
Showing posts from August, 2022

August - Weather and Wade

 Anyone else fed up with this heat lol? I find it hard to work on projects when its humid. I'm so ready for fall that I've started working on Halloween stuff.  I have been going through old newspaper clippings looking for vintage graphics I can use for my Miniature Curiosity shop. I haven't started it yet but Ive been collecting stuff over the summer to use in it.  One of the things I have been looking for at the second hand shops is the Wade figurines. They make such perfect statures and decor for both 1:12 and 1:6 scale minis.  Some can be worth money but most of them are common and I have already found doubles. I'm thinking of painting some of the extras.  I think the wade owls are my favourite and work well as modern Barbie decor I remember getting the nursery rhyme ones in the tea boxes when I was a kid.  I picked up a few already this summer that I am going to save for a Toy or Fairy garden scene.  If you collect these and are looking for a certa...