Fairy Gardens

Do you have a fairy garden? I like to start one from scratch every spring.  I do reuse most of my items from the previous year though. This year I am doing one in a raised planter box. 

Wildlife and weather are the two biggest "threats" to our little cities and villages. One year I was so happy with my fairy town done at the base of a huge tree. Sadly it also became a favourite spot for a neighbourhood raccoon to use as a rest room!

Some birds like to flip little things over to get to the insects underneath and squirrels are just jerks and will trample over things like they are invisible. I have found that hanging an aluminum pie pan above the garden deters squirrels a little but they seem to have become used to it after just a week. 

This year I'm trying a wood-chip base. So far it is keeping the weeds to a minimum. I like to let a few weeds through for some free natural greenery.



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